To explain what a lead magnet is, let’s first briefly discuss what a lead itself is. This is the name of a person or company that has somehow interacted with our website / profile on social media and left an e-mail address, telephones number or other personal data, with the help of which we can contact them and convince them to use our offers.
Internet users are usually very reluctant to share their data anywhere, and fewer and fewer things are able to encourage them to do so. They are inundated with requests to leave a contact, therefore, fearing spam, they are skeptical about each of them and carefully analyze whether it will be profitable for them in any way.
Such thinking of the users of the global network resulted in the creation of the concept of a lead magnet, i.e. simply a lead magnet. This strategy of acquiring contacts with potential customers is very simple – in exchange for contact details, we offer something for free that the recipient needs or at least that can be useful to him. It is a model of acquiring leads in which both parties stand in a winning position – the recipient gains an attractive gift, and your company – the person who may be interested in its offer.
So the question is how to make a good lead magnet. As with most questions, there is no single right answer to this either. Audience groups differ from one another and have different needs, so it is natural that there is no one magnet that will attract everyone. However, it is very important that the lead magnet meets several basic conditions, i.e. it should be:
Related to the industry
It is known that if we run a dentist’s office, we will not give potential customers a gift in the form of a guide for farmers applying for a subsidy. Lead magnet should be related to the area in which we operate.
Beneficial for the recipient
The gift must be attractive enough for the recipient to consider that it is worth providing contact details in return for it. It should solve a problem or increase the comfort of his work, in other words, be useful to him.
Simple to use
For example, if we want to provide the recipient with access to the tool, it will only work as a lead magnet if the tool is as intuitive as possible. When the user has to spend time reading the manual or painstakingly learn the operation himself, he loses interest.
Easily accessible
Few of your potential customers will be interested in a lead magnet if you need to email a company to get it, for example. It will simply cost them too much effort. The gift should be easy to download – for example by clicking the appropriate button on the landing page.
We will not attract people with a gift that is easy to get even without leaving contact details. So a lead magnet in the form of an article about makeup trends will not work, because there are plenty of such materials on the Internet. Only something that will interest the recipient and will be unique will be a magnet.
Creating a lead magnet may be more or less time-consuming. Often, however, gifts that work are easy for an industry expert to make and don’t take hours to make. Here are some examples of lead magnets that are a great help for many companies in collecting contacts for potential customers.
Gifts that convey valuable, proven knowledge on a topic are highly appreciated by Internet users. Such lead magnets can take many forms. A simple and effective gift is, for example, an infographic, i.e. a material explaining an issue in a visually friendly way. In this way, the hairdressing salon can show, for example, how to create an effective hairstyle in just a few steps; yoga studio – explain a short sequence of exercises for the spine; tire dealer – show how to check tread wear. It is true that you can find such information on the web, but if we explain it clearly, illustrating with appropriate graphics, we will gain material that Internet users will be happy to read.
More complicated, longer topics can be presented in the form of a webinar or a tutorial. A specialist can include a lot of information in an accessible form, providing examples from his experience and worked out tricks helpful for the client. Of course, he will not reveal all his secrets, but he will reveal the secret, which will make him an expert in the eyes of the recipients, who is worth returning to for paid materials or services. Following the industries selected for the article: a hair stylist can talk about his ways to nourish hair damaged by bleaching, a yoga instructor – about the specificity of a given type of yoga, and a tire seller with strengths and weaknesses of various tire manufacturers.
Free e-books and guides are also very popular among Internet users. Such materials do not have to be several hundred pages long – several dozen or even a dozen are enough. They should be nicely prepared, enriched with graphics or charts, made available for download on a specially prepared landing page. What materials can be created here? For example, our hairdresser could make a Korean hair care guide, a yoga instructor – a guide for beginner practitioners, and a salesperson – a comparison of different tire models.
Not only education works in the form of lead magnets, but also providing potential clients with materials that they can use in their daily work brings significant profits. Here, for example, a calendar is a popular gift. It does not have to be handed out on paper, a printable PDF or desktop wallpaper is enough. Of course, such a calendar must be adapted to the needs of the target group and stand out among the standard versions available on various websites. If the calendar is to be useful for the teacher, it should contain information about the beginning of summer holidays, the end of the semester, exam dates, etc. dates of settlements, submission of documents, etc.
Another gadget useful for recipients will be a planner or a replenishment schedule. Such a tool allows you to clearly plan your daily duties, and if it is well designed, it is not only functional, but also a nice addition to the office.
Checklists are also interesting prefabs that can be used as lead magnet. It can be a cheat sheet to talk to a potential client, a list of things to check before buying a car, or a list of things to do before accepting it. It is also worth playing these materials graphically, focusing on transparency.
Very often, an element that attracts potential customers is also a free template to download. We are talking about various patterns, not only graphic ones. Depending on the industry, it may be a template for a diploma, official letter, or a household budget planning sheet. Many people cannot or do not have time to create them on their own, so they willingly use ready-made products prepared by companies.
An example of a lead magnet are also various web applications and online calculators. How to make such a lead magnet and use it? Suppose we run a DIY store. We can create a calculator, thanks to which our potential customers will calculate how much paint, cement or other material will be needed to perform the renovation. At the same time, however, the tool will be free only for logged in users, i.e. those who left their data.
We can also collect leads by offering customers special opportunities that are financially profitable. It certainly includes demo versions of programs and tools, free access to a chapter in the case of books, or access to one lesson when we sell courses. Lead magnets good for many industries that offer services are free quotes and consultations or free audits.
In addition, it is also worth thinking about discounts for people who subscribe to the newsletter, set up an account in the system or simply leave their e-mail address.
When it comes to lead magnet, there can be many more examples – the more original and interesting the content, the greater the chance that it will help in building a contact base. However, it is worth remembering that the key issue should be the usefulness of the materials for a given group of recipients. So before we decide to invest time and money in creating such a magnet, it is necessary to analyze the needs of the recipients and examine what similar content is already available on the web.
]]>Display ads are promotional content that has a graphic form and appears not in the search engine itself, but on specific websites. Every Internet user contacts them almost non-stop, every time they visit the web. Where are they visible? Virtually everywhere. Display ads include banners that appear next to the body of the page or at the top of your website, or between paragraphs of articles you are reading. Display is also pop-ups, i.e. pop-ups, interstitial ads and ads that appear in the background behind the website content.
Most often we use the term display advertising in the case of google campaigns, i.e. those displayed on the Google Display Network. This extensive structure has about 2 million websites, and its reach covers the lion’s share of all active Internet users around the world. GDN has news portals, blogs, video platforms and lifestyle websites. Thanks to this, the display format works for almost every industry, regardless of the preferred group of recipients.
Most often, this type of sales messages contain an image and a small amount of text, although there are display ads that are based solely on the word – then these are small, white squares with a slogan and a button containing a CTA. As a rule, however, advertisers try to use the full potential of the display format and create image-based messages that attract the attention of recipients much more effectively.
To create such a campaign, it is not necessary to have professional graphics made by a specialist. The Google Ads system has a library of free photos that advertisers can use to build their messages. However, if we have such an opportunity, it is worth using a unique design – then on the banner we can place, for example, products from our online store, photos of specialists working in the company, photos from the premises, etc. Such materials inspire much greater trust of recipients and build a stronger relationship with the brand.
As already mentioned, display ads are served on sites belonging to the 2 million pages of Google’s partner network. This does not mean, however, that our ad will be displayed in random corners of the Internet. The advertiser can control where banners are published by choosing the targeting types. For example, we can only target websites with a specific topic, selected from a wide thematic list. It includes categories such as home and garden, games, travel, sports, cars and vehicles and many, many more. By choosing this type of targeting, you can be sure that your ad will not appear in relation to completely random topics.
However, we can also put emphasis on recipients and set the campaign so that it appears to users who have interests that meet our needs or have recently searched for products from a specific category. Then the ads will be able to be displayed on websites unrelated to them, but only to those recipients who may be interested in what they present.
Display ads are also great for remarketing. With their help, we can “pursue” recipients who have already interacted with our website and display them various types of ads, including dynamic ones, showing the products they have previously viewed on the website.
Among display ads, there are several formats that focus on different marketing goals. We find among them such types of advertising as:
Traditional display ads
In this case, we send the finished product to the Google Ads system in the form of a banner designed in such a way that it always displays exactly the same. Most often it consists of a background or a photo, an advertising slogan and a company logo. It may contain additional information, for example about a promotion, discount or other special offer. We send such advertisements to the system in .jpg, .png or .gif format. An alternative to them are banners created in HTML5, which are mobiles and interactive, and therefore extremely interesting for the recipients. (The uploaded files must have dimensions that meet the Google Ads requirements – the system allows banners in many sizes, so it is not a limitation for advertisers).
Responsive display ads
Responsive ads work in a slightly different way. In this type of message, we upload to the Google Ads system only individual elements of the banners: separately the logo, at least one image and several versions of the text. Then the system analyzes the sent materials and combines them in various ways, testing individual versions of the message. The type of advertising seen by a given recipient is determined by artificial intelligence, guided by the likely preferences of this user (based on his previous behavior on the Internet). Thanks to this format, we do not have to use ready-made graphic solutions, and in addition, we have a message that is as closely as possible to the needs of the target group.
Standard remarketing ads
Such banners are created for users who have already visited the site, perhaps even performed some action – for example, they put the product into the basket – but did not convert. In this case, we also send the ready material to the system, but with a slightly different message – here it is no longer about familiarizing the recipient with the brand and its offer, but about encouraging them to return to the website and finalize the transaction.
Dynamic remarketing ads
Here, as in the case of responsive ads, users are shown sales messages whose components are selected by self-learning algorithms. The difference, however, is that in this case the recipient gets an advertisement showing exactly the products / services that they previously viewed on the website.
Lightbox ads
This type of ad is a banner that, when hovered over with the mouse (or touched with a finger on mobiles devices), expands and presents the user with a video or a set of images. It can expand to the full width of the screen or only to a slightly larger window. This format is designed to maximize audience engagement.
Display advertising is a useful tool for any marketer who invests in Google Ads campaigns. Its biggest advantages are:
Huge range
Due to the fact that the google network covers such a wide range of portals from various industries, it is difficult to find a better way to advertise your offer than using the opportunities offered by display advertising. The total reach of the sites that belong to it covers over 90% of all users of the global network, so we can be sure that the ideal target audience for our product will be among its audience.
Increasing brand awareness
Keyword-targeted text ads are great for people who are already looking for a specific product, but don’t have a significant impact on brand recognition. Display ads, in turn, allow the user to remember the name of the company and its logo, build the first associations with the brand and shape its image in the eyes of recipients.
Many targeting options
The target group can be selected very precisely in display ads. In the targeting options, we can determine the corresponding demographic data, interests of recipients or their behavior on the Internet. Contextual targeting is also available, i.e. placing ads only in the vicinity of content corresponding to them thematically, which increases the chance that the campaigns will be successful.
Visual attractiveness
The image catches the eye more effectively the text itself and gives much greater possibilities of influencing the recipient. Interesting graphics combined with a properly selected CTA give a great opportunity to gain the attention of the recipient.
Effects easy to measure
We can monitor the effect of the advertisement we have created on an ongoing basis. Statistics from Google Analytics allow us to see the ratio of the number of impressions to conversion, which gives us a picture of how attractive the ad is to our target group. This way, it is much easier to track the results than when we decide, for example, for traditional banners on the streets of the city.
Can my website be hacked? Is my website worth a hack? The truth is, there’s no place on the web that isn’t worth breaking into. Each domain and each page is a place that can be used – put links to various types of potency specifics, redirect to your – sham – domain or silently use our server for mailing and serve innocent internet users content intended definitely for adult recipients. The number of ways to use a hijacked website is limited only by the hackers’ creativity.
Taking over the website has various consequences, including problems with the proper functioning of the website and falling out of the Google index as a result of removing optimization. Hacking also increases the risk of your site being cut from the SERPs as a result of penalties for illegal content attacking. In addition, with each subsequent hack, the website loses its credibility in the eyes of the recipients, and they are more cautious about using the products and services offered. Lack of trust stems primarily from fear of your own data – it is user information that attracts hackers. In some cases, the acquisition of the site is also associated with considerable costs, which include, for example, income that could be achieved at the time when the site was closed. The costs of server cleanup and site restoration can also significantly affect your company’s budget. There are also legal consequences.
Every website and every person using the Internet may fall victim to one of
the many types of cyber attacks. Break-ins happen to large
and well-secured companies:
– Adobe lost data in 2013 –
username and password, full names, credit and debit card details – from 153
million accounts,
– LinkedIn lost email addresses and
passwords of users in 2012 and 2016,
– Garmin lost access to a large
part of its systems in 2020 and was forced to disable access to all services.
In order to gain access to the data decryption key, the company
decided to pay a ransom.
The scale of these break-ins is much greater than what the owners of small websites usually experience. However, this does not mean that you should ignore safety issues and not take appropriate steps in the name of the principle “prevention is better than cure”.
Among the systems that are exposed to hacking attacks, the popular CMSs are usually mentioned – WordPress and Joomla. The frequency of burglaries is influenced, among others, by the universality of installation of these solutions and … quite a frivolous approach to software updates and notifications related to security. In the case of WordPress, the source of attacks are also plugins that allow you to add new functionalities to your website. Some of the plugins are manufactured by third parties. Joomla’s vulnerability manifests itself during system configuration, which tends to generate errors when installing external extensions.
Below are 6 basic elements that allow you to increase the security of the website and reduce light-hearted behavior that may cause risk.
A. Password123, guess you!
Professional tools and the most complex security programs can fail with a lack of common sense and a lack of awareness of threats. I do not wish to imply that modern solutions should not be used – quite the contrary! My only suggestion is that we take a moment to reflect on our slogans. They are the ones that most often fall prey to internet thieves and cause havoc on our virtual estates. The most popular sins related to slogans include:
– their simplicity – i.e. qwerty, 12345, abc123 or passwords associated
with the name of the website where we have an account This
type of security breaks quickly – once they are quite intuitive, and two – they
are one of those most often found on lists of data stolen from various websites,
– their universality – one password
for everything? Simple solutions of this type work well
… for a short while. Data leakage from one site may
result in the loss of accounts also in other spaces.
This infamous group also includes the ugly habit of saving all passwords in one place – be it in a notebook or in an ordinary text file located in one of the folders on the disk. While the traditional notebook can be an attractive prey for a less IT-agile thief, the file can be of interest to anyone who knows how to use the trust of public network users (e.g. wifi in a restaurant) – hence the path to taking over all our Internet incarnations is short.
So how do you keep your passwords secure? One of the solutions that work both in private and in enterprises are applications that allow you to store passwords in a safe way, eg LastPass, 1Password, or their free equivalents – KeePass and BitWarden. These types of solutions work similarly to the above-criticized book – they allow you to store passwords in one place, but they are much more secure. These programs allow you to generate extremely complex passwords, which are then encrypted in various ways and stored in this form. The user only needs one password that allows him to access the application. Programs of this type run not only on computers but also on mobiles devices.
An effective way to limit the possibility of account takeover is also multi-stage verification. The introduction of this solution requires verification of logging in in several ways, e.g. using the application installed on the phones. The need to confirm the willingness to access the account allows for additional control and catching unauthorized login attempts.
Passwords should also be changed from time to time, especially in the case of rotation among company employees. After changing the people responsible for various areas of the Internet activity, it is good to refresh the accesses and ensure that only designated employees have access to the password-protected places.
B. Updates
Updating systems is another element of the set of basic activities that allow you to reduce the risk associated with unwanted activity on the website. This applies to all elements related to it – CMS, software on the server, as well as plugins and extensions. The task of the update – apart from developing the application and adding its new functionalities – is also to eliminate bugs and potential threats existing in the earlier code. The lack of updates to programs running within the site makes it much easier to take over from external users.
You can find out how often security patches are implemented by analyzing the information provided with subsequent software updates. Most updates go hand in hand with a blog post or note detailing each subsequent patch.
Additionally, information about the need to update your CMS usually appears on the main page of the administration panel. Note – updating older CMS versions (e.g. those that have not been updated for several months) may result in problems with the basic functionalities of the website. Before starting the update, it is worth taking care of backing up your website files. Archaic versions of CMS are good to update with the help of specialists – e.g. a software house which was responsible for the original appearance of the website. You should remember about the necessity to update the system on which the website is located when designing the website and include help with updating in the contract.
C. Plugins and Extensions
When discussing updates of popular CMSs, it is also worth paying attention to the elements that allow you to extend the capabilities of these programs, i.e. plug-ins, extensions and add-ons. Each of these programs offers a new function for our CMS, unfortunately – not always only the ones we care about. So how do you recognize plugins that will be safe? What to look for?
Before installing an add-on to our CMS, it is worth taking a look at its popularity and opinions, check the credibility of the company that issued it and make sure how often they are and what the updates are about.
It is a mistake to leave plugins without updating – it is thanks to them that bugs and security holes are removed that can be used to take over your Internet ownership.
The implementation of SSL is not only the whim of your SEO positioner or your ad specialist, but one of the ways to improve the security of data flowing through your website. SSL, or in fact TSL, guarantees the confidentiality of data transmission and server authentication. It is based on asymmetric encryption with a public key, the knowledge of which cannot decrypt the data. For this purpose, it is necessary to have a private key that is not shared externally. The length of the keys in the current versions of TSL is at least 128 bits.
E. Take care of a backup
Caution may result in another item on the list of monthly website maintenance costs, but in times of crisis it becomes priceless. Website security is not an area where you should save in the first place. In this case, forethought manifests itself by taking care of the backup. Backups stored in a safe place reduce the risk of data loss. Securing databases and placing them in a different space than the original files will enable business continuity, even in the event of a failure or losses caused by a break-in.
The backups will also be stored by the hosting on which the website is located, which is very useful in the event of technical problems with the website – restoring the state from two or three days ago is usually a matter of one phones. Unfortunately, leaving the security of your websites in the hands of third parties does not always work, as customers of one of the world’s hosting companies could already see in 2016.
F. Educate yourself and your colleagues
The security of a website depends on many factors. The impact of some of them can be reduced by educating everyone who works within them. Sometimes it is enough to refresh the basics related to online security – the rules of creating passwords, the need to use secure internet connections and log out after work is done, or suspicion of unusual-looking emails. A website is a sensitive place, the most sensitive of which is our ignorance. Caring for the security of the website and all resources necessary for our company does not require specialist knowledge or technical skills – in many cases it is enough to implement good practices.
The heat map of the website is a visual representation of user behavior. It is a tool that shows which areas of the website are “hot”, and therefore more eye-catching, and which are “cold” – much less interesting from the visitor’s point of view.
The heat map can be produced in various ways and based on several types of data (more on that later). Prepared for a given website, it is in the form of a screenshot with marked spots in different colors. Deep red signifies the greatest interest, orange, yellow and green are intermediate colors, while blues and purples denote the “coldest” places that are the least popular among Internet users.
Heat maps tell you if users:
– reach the most important
– they can easily find links,
buttons and other links on the website,
– focus their attention on
unimportant elements,
– face obstacles to the free and
comfortable use of the website.
The analysis of the data collected in the form of a heat map allows for a much better adaptation of the website to the expectations of users and increasing its functionality. The knowledge gained in this way can also significantly help in increasing conversions, i.e. the number of orders, inquiries or other forms of contact with the company.
Typically, a heat map is cumulative data collected through several studies.
Sometimes it is identified with the so-called eye tracking, i.e. tracking the movements of the eyeball, another time
with the map of clicks. In fact, it is a combination of
several types of information collected in different ways. Most
often, when creating heat maps, the following are used:
– click analysis – clicktracking,
– page scrolling – scrolltracking,
– examination of elements that
attract attention – attentiontracking,
– tracking cursor movements on the
screen – movetracking.
They can be presented in the form of a combined report or separate analyzes. This is data that allows you to accurately understand the behavior of Internet users, and thus adapt the website to them. This affects not only the already mentioned increase in conversion, but also the friendliness of the website itself, and therefore the satisfaction of its users.
It is worth preparing separate heat maps for the desktop and mobiles websites. This allows you to compare how users of different devices behave and see if your website offers a similar level of conversion in different variants.
Eye tracking is also a popular method of measuring the engagement of website visitors and testing its usability. Its results are often presented in the form of a heat map, but it is a separate analytical tool. Eye tracking allows you to track the movement of the eyeballs. The research is used in many areas, it works well, among others in the case of website usability analysis.
During the procedure, a device that analyzes the eye movement is connected to the computer. Then a focus study is performed. Its participants are asked to perform specific tasks within a given page. Thanks to this, you can check, for example, how easy it is to find the necessary information or carry out activities such as making a purchase or registering on the website. While the data provided by eye tracking can be very valuable, heatmaps should not be equated solely with this study. It may be part of the website analysis, but more often a variety of tools are used to study the previously mentioned parameters.
It should also be remembered that the eye tracking research is carried out in created conditions, on a selected group of participants. So it does not necessarily have to be representative. Meanwhile, heat maps are usually created on the basis of data obtained from real site users in natural conditions.
Are you wondering if creating a heat map will pay off? Do
you need this type of solution at all? This is a very
useful option – provided, however, that the results obtained in this way are
properly analyzed, and the conclusions drawn will translate into activities
aimed at adapting the website to the expectations and needs of users. The benefits of preparing a heat map will primarily affect people who:
– despite the SEO
activities carried out, they do not enjoy a satisfactory conversion;
– are worried about the high bounce
rate of the page;
– they achieve good results in
terms of organic inputs, but significantly worse among mobiles users;
– want to adjust the website
template to the user’s needs;
– they have no idea for functional
changes within the site;
– want to find out if the
mechanisms used are working as intended.
In short, heatmaps are for anyone who wants to improve their website and make it more effective. A user-friendly, functional website more and more often translates into real benefits. However, keep in mind that analyzing the heatmaps is only one step in improving your website. SEO, competition monitoring and other activities cannot be forgotten. Only a holistic approach to creating a website can bring clear results.
A reliably prepared heat map is a great source of information for website administrators. The only question is: how to use them? There are many possibilities. Let’s check what the heat map data says and how it can be transferred to a more functional and, more importantly, more effective website design.
Content analysis
It has been known for a long time that texts on websites are scanned rather cursily, not read by visitors. The heatmap can tell you which elements grab your visitors’ attention and therefore where to put the most important information. Thanks to scrolltracking, you will also find out where on the website its users usually reach. This may suggest that you need to shorten the content or divide it. It is also worth taking care of the form of their presentation – short paragraphs and bullets containing concise information will bring a much better effect. Also, don’t forget about your headlines – they should be attractive and enticing, while still containing your most important keywords. At the very bottom of the page, you can include texts that are less important from the user’s point of view, but they will help in positioning the page.
Improving site navigation
The heat map analysis will tell you a lot about the effectiveness of the links on the page. Are buttons and links receiving sufficient attention? Do users have no problem finding the tab with the offer or the icon transferring the product to the basket? The click-through study will also help you check that the links in the text are in the right places. If their effectiveness is unsatisfactory, try to move them to places that attract more interest from website users. It’s also worth checking if those links that actually “click” lead to the most important tabs and increase your conversion rate. If the buttons aren’t performing well enough, it might be worth making them bigger, highlighted, or repositioned. Also, make sure they contain a call to action (CTA) – a slogan encouraging action (eg “Check”, “Order”, “Learn more”).
Thanks to the heat map analysis, it may also turn out that some of the navigation elements are unnecessary. If a side menu, banner, or button isn’t interesting, they may just be taking up valuable space where something else would be worthwhile.
Detection of problem spots
Broken or invalid links, especially in the “clicked” area, is a huge wasted opportunity. A user who is “framed” in this way can often get irritated and not return to the site anymore! That is why it is worth checking all links for operation and fixing them as soon as possible – especially if they are very popular among Internet users.
More effective suggestions
Many online stores have sections with other recommended or similar offers on their product pages. It is worth checking with the heatmap that this suggestion actually works. If not, it may be worth changing the form or position of the section. Seemingly it is a small thing, but it can significantly affect the time spent by the user on the website and, more importantly, the conversion.
Improving responsiveness
Responsive design is basically a “must have” of any website. It should be properly displayed on various devices and should be functional and easy to use, regardless of the size of the user’s screen. However, a website that is responsive in theory does not always offer the desired functionality in practice to mobiles users. Making a heat map can be very helpful in evalsuating the template and adapting it to the user’s needs. If it takes endless scrolling to get to the most important functions and information, some elements hide others, and buttons are not where they should be, the visitor will quickly lose patience and leave the page. These are unacceptable errors that can significantly affect the number of users on the website, as well as the conversion.