Unlike analogue directories, Internet search engines have the ability to catalog information in more detail. With the help of web robots – programs that absorb information about websites – they are able to collect data on the structure of the site and its content. Thanks to the knowledge accumulated by the bot, the search engine is able to choose the answers to the queries of its users. The library equivalent of a search engine would be its employee, manually (thanks to knowledge and experience) searching for books for the reader.
Search engine positioning aims to show robots that it is our site that best answers the question, and at the same time is convenient for the user. The SEO process is primarily about adapting the website to the rules set by search engines – an algorithm that determines the order of results in SERPs.
What affects position? Initially, the keywords and the number of links to the page were relevant. With the growing page base and changing user expectations, the number of factors affecting positioning has begun to increase. In the case of Google, it is estimated that as of today, robots analyze about 200 different signals on the basis of which they determine the site’s ranking position. To limit the possibility of manipulation of results, some of the factors are kept secret and Google employees provide rather evasive answers on this topic. Information on what helps websites climb search results is obtained not only from official search engine guides, but also from external tools and tests, the results of which are positioned by positioners in industry media and forums. The experience of a specialist also plays an important role here, as he has survived more than once!
Positioning is primarily talked about in the context of Google. It is this search engine that is the most frequently chosen way to search for information. However, this type of services is provided by:
Yandex – a Russian search engine of great importance in Russia and its neighbors. Yandex holds a 50% market share in this region. It works on a similar principle as Google – page indexing can be controlled through the equivalent of Google Search Console, here called Yandex.Webmaster. The search engine also has its own set of rules according to which pages should be created. The income comes primarily from advertising.
Baidu – a browser created for the needs of the Chinese user.
Bing – a search engine created by Microsoft. It is much more popular in the US than in other countries. Its market share in the US is around 30%.
Yahoo – another search engine whose importance is noticeable primarily in the US. It owns 10% of the market, which places it in the 3rd place in the poll of the most popular search engines in the United States.
In addition, there are also Ask, DuckDuckGo and AOL on the market, but the number of searches through these services is a small percentage of the total.
Statistics say that the average person performs about 3-4 searches per day and, according to another source, about 93% of internet experience begins in the search engine. Both information is valuable from a business point of view and can only lead to one conclusion – a search engine is a place where customers need to be found.
Business in 2020 without the Internet and Google does not exist. The search engine is the basic source of knowledge of the average internet user – most of us are looking for information for private use, some – also for the needs of our work and company. Wishing to open up to new customers and increase your income, it is worth playing with Google and try to adapt to the rules imposed by the search engine.
The skilful use of the search engine allows you to expand the advertising space in which your business may appear. A properly prepared and positioned website can not only inform about the services offered by the company, but also support the process of building the position of an expert in a given industry and increase brand awareness. Website positioning is compatible with other marketing activities and brings results not only directly during the campaign, but also when a potential customer needs it.
It is not difficult to appear in the search engine, and Google willingly shares knowledge about taking the first steps in its environment. Guidelines and tips can be found not only on the support pages, but also in the courses. In the materials prepared by Google and partner companies, basic knowledge of Internet marketing – SEM, SEO and an introduction to tools provided by a search engine, e.g. Analytics, is provided in an accessible way.
General knowledge about the search engine environment helps to understand how search works, why you should set up a map and how the prices of ads in search results are shaped. Understanding the terms used in the Google context and the capabilities of the search engine help in setting marketing goals. Even basic knowledge of the search engine also facilitates cooperation with a positioner or an Ads specialist.
Where to start? First of all, putting up a modern, secure and fast website. The size of the website and the technologies used on it should be chosen according to the industry and the goals to be met by the website. And then…
A. Invite robots – sharing a page with web robots is tantamount to agreeing to appear in the search engine. The crawl program analyzes the structure, content and links coming to your site, allowing it to appear in search results.
B. Find out how they see you – the data collected by web robots can be controlled on a search engine – in Google, this is Google Search Console. This is where statistics about site indexing, search, and alerts about errors or problems detected by other tools. Controlling the status of the page in the Google index allows you to quickly respond to problems in the event of a breach of data security on the page and when the movement within the domain ceases.
C. Take care of the content and convenience of using the site – only and up to. The content of the page is important not only from the point of view of gaining high positions in search results, but also because of the end user – potential customer. It was he who asked the search engine the question that she is looking for the best answer. Preparation of content that will introduce him to the world of services offered and explain all the complexities of the industry in an accessible way, usually meet with a very positive response from customers and robots. They also help in building the right image of the company and increasing brand awareness.
Positioning is a process that requires time, knowledge and experience. While in the case of small, local and sole proprietorships, activities on their own can be effective, the increase in coverage and more effective activities would require the extension of the day by another “day”. Do you prefer to reserve some time to rest? Take advantage of the professional help of a Paraphrase-Online.com specialist who will properly choose the methods and actions to increase the visibility of the site, and thus – traffic and sales!
Knowledge of Google search meanders saves a lot of time and money – the experience accumulated for years allows you to arrange a strategy tailored to the type of business and use methods that are effective in the fight for better places in search results.
The positioning of a website or online store in virtually every search engine begins with choosing the right set of keywords – passwords after which the user goes to the appropriate page of the site. Key phrases can be divided into so-called:
– short tail – phrases consisting
of one or two words. They are characterized by a large
number of searches and high competitiveness;
– long tail – phrases consisting of more keywords, with fewer
searches and less competitiveness.
The words from the “short tail” look attractive at first glance – after all, any shoe store would like to be in the first position as a response to the query “shoes” … These types of slogans are usually occupied by large websites with adequate financial resources, allowing extensive actions for the highest positions. Interestingly, the phrases like “shoes” are not as effective as the slogans from the “long tail”, which more often lead to the purchase of the right model. Why is this happening? A specific question means a desire to know answers with similar characteristics, such as “pink children’s sports shoes”. Search results direct users to subpages containing the products they are looking for. The customer saves time and if he finds a matching shoe model – he will probably make a purchase.
When choosing keywords, you should consider words from both groups. It is also worth remembering that during the positioning process, the website casually begins to rank in search engines for other phrases. A whole set of activities is responsible for this, the main purpose of which is to improve the condition of the entire site. The positioning of websites in search engines resonates much more widely than you can imagine basically.
On Page activities are the abovementioned “adapting to Google game rules”. Website optimization has a technical dimension, which includes:
– improved page rendering speed,
– Website display and indexing
control on all devices,
– choosing appropriate titles and
descriptions for subpages,
– adapting headlines to the
requirements of Google’s art and guidelines,
– adjusting friendly links,
– selection and implementation of
structural data.
The strategy and set of optimization actions are selected individually, according to what works a given page requires.
On Page activities also include work related to content creation and optimization. During the process, the positioner indicates places that should be supplemented with additional content or saturated with keywords.
Off Page activities are everything that aims to get links directing to your domain. Sounds easy? In the olden days – yes! Today, however, links, link is not equal. Here you also need a strategy that allows you to collect links of different types and from different sources.
Off Page activities include, for example, creating sponsored entries, exchanging links with contractors, adding services and companies to catalogs, and obtaining reviews and opinions. Off Page activities are also indirectly linked to social media activity – a well-run Facebook profile is a great support for SEO and another source of traffic.
In the first paragraph we mentioned what connects the library with the search engine, now let us pay attention to the differences between them. Suffice it to say one word – “change”. The order of library drawers is not subject to constant changes and modifications, the Google index and its equivalents in other search engines, yes.
The search engine algorithm is constantly being improved, and Google is changing its approach and putting more emphasis on other factors. A few years ago, there was talk primarily about “mobilesgeddon” and “mobiles First Indexing”, and today UX issues are very important. Added to this are various smaller and larger changes, monitored on an ongoing basis.
Due to these changes, trends in user behavior and other factors, positioning websites in search engines should be treated as a process. Once done, the optimization will not last the test of time – especially during “hot” periods. To gain high positions and increase traffic it is necessary to keep the “mouse on the pulse”, monitor the results and, if necessary, modify the strategy.
]]>Creating a website can, however, be a heavy burden on the budget of young companies. The basic cost of the site consists primarily of the price of the domain and hosting as well as the work of the graphic designer and developer. Another cost is the time that you need to spend to find the right technologies and even prepare content, graphics and photos. The choice of solutions that do not require the involvement of external specialists is associated with the need to increase the time required to prepare the site. However, website creators have limitations that can prevent them from gaining customers effectively. Let’s take a closer look at popular solutions and consider when building a page with the help of a creator will pay off, and when we should, however, choose other solutions.
Website creators are a kind of computer program that allows you to create a website without knowledge of HTML and CSS, not to mention other languages. Creating a page from scratch, we choose the background color and add further details by selecting a specific element from the available collection. The graphic design we created and the background content added in it are rewritten into the language understood by web browsers. Boom – the website is ready.
The main principle of website creators has not changed substantially since the appearance of the first program of this type. Modern versions, however, have much greater capabilities and faithfully stick to the principles of creating pages and Google guidelines. Modern solutions allow in some cases to run seo processes and effective positioning of websites created with the help of one of the currently popular creators – Wix, Squarespace or wordpress Elementor.
Website creators from 10 or more years ago offered very limited customization options, and no one thought about adaptation to mobiles devices or positioning.
Website creators allow you to quickly create a functional website. Depending on the advancement of the creator, they allow you to modify ready templates, add colors, icons, and format text. Thanks to these solutions, creating a website does not always have to be associated with high costs. Most creators provide some functionality for free or in the form of a subscription – and the price of such is much lower than the fees associated with the work of a graphic designer and programmer.
An additional advantage of creators is their friendliness to non-technical users. Services like WIX present the functionality of their program in an accessible way and help you build your dream website step by step. The tutorial and the ability to prepare the site according to your own vision (limited only to the choice provided by the platform) allow you to start the promotion even on a very limited budget and … do not require the involvement of developers.
The number of platform users that have enabled the creation of their own website in recent years has begun to grow – in proportion to marketing efforts undertaken, among others by Wix, Weebly or Squarespace, which sponsors a whole range of Youtubers. Wix deserves special attention here – the advertisements of the website could be seen during the last few Super Bowl games, and they took part in, among others Karlie Kloss, Jason Statham and Gal Gadot.
It can not be hidden that the independent creation of websites is quite popular. Is it, however, a universal solution? Let’s look at the pros and cons of such programs:
– costs,
a definite plus of creators is the ability to build a site after the so-called
“Costs”, which I mentioned earlier. Part of the functionality is
available for free, some for a fee or as part of a subscription, which can be
terminated at any time or with a monthly notice period;
– intuitive
navigation, adapted to the skills of non-coding people – pagebuilders do
not require their users to know about coding pages, language skills and rules
for creating websites. Website creation is done by means of graphical
navigation – drag & drop or selection of subsequent options from the
drop-down list of available elements;
– security
– one of the biggest problems associated with having a website is to provide
yourself and your guests with an adequate level of protection for their data.
When using the creator, the responsibility for the tightness of the solutions
used remains with the creator of the service;
– time
– if you believe the ads, taking a page will take about the same as a break
from work. In fact, choosing the right options and template and making the
final decision about the appearance will take a few hours. Still, it’s a lot
less than creating a page from scratch;
all-in-one – modern creators are solutions that allow you to create a page
from scratch and in one place. This includes not only the site design itself,
but also domain and hosting issues;
– help
– the platform user (depending on the subscription paid) can benefit from
extensive support – guides, tutorials and consultants. Thanks to this, building
your own website becomes quite a pleasant experience.
– lack of
full freedom in creating the page – the number of templates and solutions
to use the site – depending on the plan – is limited. Additional restrictions
are also technical issues of the platform. Moving subsequent elements can be
partially blocked, and adjusting their size very time-consuming;
– slow,
heavy site – if in recent years page builders have made a great step
towards optimization for speed, some of the solutions still leave much to be
desired. Another problem is the limited or complete inability to modify the
page code. This creates unnecessary lines of code, e.g. by creating unneeded
nests and enlarging the DOM, which Google Page Speed Insights points out as
one of the reasons why websites slow down. Too many unnecessary elements that could
be described in a more optimal way are the risk of more rejections for mobiles
device users with a worse internet connection;
– Restrictions
resulting from the plan or application – e.g. the ability to create up to
10 subpages, the ability to use only a few additional applications,
restrictions on adding links on the site, etc.
– Lack of
possibility to fully optimize the page – the lack of access to the code
prevents full optimization under search engine guidelines, and thus –
restrictions related to ranking, among others on Google. More about positioning
on creators in a moment.
There are more pros than cons? However, this is not a confirmation of the universality of the solution which is page builders. It all boils down to the purpose for which we create a given website and what we want to include thanks to it.
Website positioning created on Wix or Squarespace platforms is one of the most controversial topics in the SEO world. Most specialists still remember the times when the creator in principle prevented any optimization of the website. The problem was, among others, the inability to set a unique <title> for the subpage, creating friendly addresses, or even adding the Google Search Console code to the <head> section. Modern platforms are more seo friendly, but they still do not enjoy much sympathy among positioners. Why?
Inability to fully optimize – Optimization under seo guidelines is content and code activities. While adding content and saturating them with keywords should not be a problem, technical optimization is the way it is. The appearance of the given elements on the page is important for the user, however, wishing to conquer SERPs you should also pay attention to how the site is seen by network robots.
During positioning, it is necessary to change the content, among others titles, descriptions, headers. Creators of the type Wix or Squarespace allow you to add your own elements from this range – all changes are made via the panel. Interestingly, Wix still promotes adding the meta keywords tag and filling it with about 10 keywords, which in the positioning environment is considered unnecessary archaism. The meta keywords tag has no longer fulfilled its original role for years and is de facto redundant on the site.
Adding more advanced elements, e.g. schema tags, goes beyond standard services.
In the case of Squarespace, adding schema tags requires modification of the page’s <head> – pasting the generated code in the right place. Here, basic basic knowledge of html structure will be useful.
In this situation, Elementor seems to be the best solution – it works with popular wordpress plugins intended for SEO, e.g. Yoast SEO. However, there is still the problem of too large DOM – excessive number of nested elements that delay rendering of the page.
Unsociable seo technologies – One of the problems Wix had to deal with for some time was generating the page “on the fly” – with the help of JavaScript. As a result, the site content was virtually invisible to robots. Currently, the situation has changed – both Google has made a big step in “dealing” with JavaScript, and Wix has put greater friendliness in the solutions recommended by Google.
Unsatisfactory speed test results – In recent years, Google has significantly increased the focus on adapting websites for mobiles devices and for fast rendering also for slower connections. If you look at the results of speed tests of pages made using the selected creator, it is easy to say that speed demons are unfortunately not.
The biggest problems include unused code fragments and too large DOM. These elements can be modified, provided that we have access to the code.
Here you should do justice to the creators indicated above – most of the solutions actually try to keep up with trends and implement on their platforms photo optimization and formats preferred by Google, code minification and prioritizing loading of the most important elements of the page.
The problems we encounter when trying to position websites on Squarespace, Wix or built using Elementor, however, do not completely eliminate the chances of building visibility in Google search engine. There are other factors at stake – first and foremost the purpose of creating the page and the niche that the site is about.
Website creators make it easier to appear in the virtual world, but they do not quite prove themselves as professional websites for larger companies targeting competitive industries. We can talk about increasing the visibility and positioning of pages on Wix, Squarespace or other creators in the case of small, local businesses. The condition here is the use of more extensive subscriptions that allow access to advanced site modification options.
The solutions proposed by popular page builders will work to build a page from an amateur photographer’s portfolio or a page that will contain basic information about a service closely related to the local operation, e.g. a community day-care center for children. Positioning a site built on the Squarespace or Wix creator, whose ambition is to search for keywords like “New York dentist” may not be effective. In this case, making a lighter page – e.g. on WordPress, with the option of connecting an external system for booking visits, will pay off. Full access to the website’s code will facilitate optimization under current Google guidelines, and the possibility of facilitating registration of patients from the website level will significantly improve the calendar of visits.
Finding the perfect solution that will allow you to mark your position in the search engine and compete with larger players requires appropriate research and time expenditure. In this case, saving on technologies and choosing a “cheaper” solution may block the possibility of further development.
You cannot deny the universality of solutions such as page builders, but you can not put an equal sign between them and success in search engines. Seo adaptation promoted by Wix and Squarespace is primarily the ability to preserve the basics of seo activities, i.e. care for content delivery, the ability to set titles and descriptions, and the ability to connect your own domain and codes to GSC. However, positioning activities are much more than that – technical optimization requires changes that are simply not possible with subscriptions to page building platforms.
So who should you recommend such solutions to? First of all, businesses that do not have the ambition to compete in the race for the highest positions in SERPs. The website on the platform is a solution for those who target inbound traffic from social media and based on searches with the brand name or paid advertising. A website based on WIX or Squarespace will be perfect as a portfolio for young photographers, models and companies that base their content on photos and gain most contacts through activities, e.g. on Instagram.
Wix – allows you to create pages using a graphical creator based on drag & drop activities. We create a page based on templates that we can use to use the editor to suit our needs. The creator allows you to create a page for free, but editing the page is limited, and our site will display ads. The extension of functionality is possible in one of several subscription plans.
Positioning your site on Wix – the creator allows you to add individual titles and descriptions for each page. Extended optimization is available thanks to the Wix SEO Wiz application, which guides you step by step through the basic activities related to online visibility – including adding Google Search Console code.
Squarespace – just like WIX, allows you to build a site based on a template related to the theme of the page. Here, however, we create and modify elements without dragging them on the side. There are 4 subscription plans available, and the larger the amount, the more possibilities of creating a page.
Positioning on Squarespace – all basic optimization elements are available – you can set titles, descriptions, URLs and even redirects. However, users complain that the positioning modification options are scattered across the platform and finding them is not always easy.
Weebly – as in the case of other popular options, also here the site is built using drag & drop. The creator, however, does not allow full freedom in arranging elements – it imposes the size and arrangement of elements, according to the selected template.
Positioning on Weebly – as with other programs, Weebly allows you to enter seo-essentials – titles, descriptions, and even altos. There are also no problems with adding codes necessary to control the page. The program also automatically generates the sitemap.xml file.
Elementor – WordPress plugin allows you to build a page in the drag & drop system, with the help of which you can create the entire layout of the site. Its definite advantage is the multitude of options that allow you to create an unconventional page. The feature-rich free version allows you to create a fully functional website .. The PRO version allows you to better adapt the design to your needs and work with other WP plugins, e.g. WooCommerce, i.e. tools for online stores.
Positioning on Elementor – creating a page with the help of a creator increases its volume. Elementor, however, prides itself on the speed of his solutions. With the help of other wordpress plugins (Yoast SEO, All-in-One SEO) you can perform quite satisfactory optimization.
]]>Description is part of the meta tags that are located in the source code of the page in the <head> section.
<meta name =
“description” content = “Short description of the page.” />
Meta description on the home page
and subpages, you can also easily and quickly edit on most content management
systems (CMS).
The <description> tag together with <title> is the first contact for the user with the page to
which the phrase entered in the search engine leads.
It is the meta tags that often influence the final decision of a user whether he considers a given site worth clicking. The title and short description of the page should therefore answer the questions that are searched for using the keywords entered in Google.
Some time ago, the meta description tag had an impact on website positioning in search engines. Unfortunately, it did not fully fulfill its function, because instead of a neat description of the content of the page, there were – often after the decimal point – keywords related to given issues contained in the content of the site. The multiplication of phrases – yes – was beneficial for the site, which – from the current perspective – a spammy procedure, climbed up. This phenomenon began to be aptly called keyword stuffing. These practices, however, involved so-called Black Hat SEO, so in 2009 Google decided to change the algorithm, as a result of which the meta tag description was excluded from direct impact on positioning. Currently, meta description does not affect the position of the page, but it is important for the click rate.
Therefore, the meta description has an indirect impact on positioning, as it is a kind of showcase of the site. A brief description may interest a potential user, because the information and key phrases contained in it show that a given site will be a potential source of knowledge. Therefore, description must attract attention, contain words that will be important for a given page and subpage, and – what is important – this short description should have a certain number of characters that is visible in the search results. The meta tag description does not affect positioning, but has a positive effect on CTR, or click rate.
Meta description should refer to the substantive values of the page or subpage to which it was assigned. As with all content on the site, short descriptions for each tab should be unique so that the content does not duplicate and not duplicate. The description content itself is also very important, as it must answer the question asked by the user, so it cannot be general and devoid of substance. If you type “what is meta description” in the search engine, then both the title and description of the pages displayed in the SERP should lead to the answer. It is good when the meta description in its content will have a question you asked. However, it may not be general, referring to all content that a user can find on the site. It is good practice to include call-to-action in the description, which may encourage clicks. Always before creating the description, think about what information you would like to find in it and what would make you enter a given website.
The length of characters is very important for both title and meta description. In this case, more is not better – quite the opposite. A good headline of the page displayed in the search results should be between 55 and 60 characters, and description between 155 and 170 characters with spaces. How can you check it? The length is easily determined with almost any text editor, but in the case of title and description it is worth using the available tools.
In addition, the page view and meta descriptions can be seen in the page
code using the CTRL + U keyboard shortcut.
To sum up, a good meta description is one that:
– is unique,
– answers user questions,
– is substantive and encouraging,
– has a key phrase,
– it is 170 characters including
– contains call to action.
Even if you don’t create a description, this space is not left empty. Description downloaded by the search engine from the page content that best responds to the user’s query. This description is then far too long, and the information it contains is not necessarily substantive and valuable. Lack of meta descriptions can result in a high bounce rate.
The description mat, together with the title, is an important message for the user about what content he can find on the page. If the meta description is consistent, encouraging and contains relevant answers, then there is a high probability that the site will be attractive to him and decide to click on it. Description has no direct impact on positioning, but it can definitely affect the user’s decision to search for information on a given page, which will significantly increase its CTR.
]]>An incorrectly prepared e-mail may go to the SPAM folder. To distinguish valuable emails from spam, spam filters use a special algorithm. They take into account, among others:
– message length,
– email content (pornographic
content, including sex keywords, 100% free),
– graphics to text ratio,
– the number of recipients,
– message subject.
Of course, spam filters also take into account other factors, but these are the most important of them. Then the algorithm gives each of them a certain number of points – when they exceed a certain threshold, the message goes to the SPAM folder.
It is impossible to say unequivocally how exactly these algorithms work and what to do to prevent the message from being sent to spam. Spam filters are being patched and improved on an ongoing basis, and the algorithm is changing rapidly due to the active activities of spammers and data scammers.
According to data from the Paraphrase Online Team, as much as 57% of mailing messages go to spam. How can your newsletter not share the fate of badly written emails?
Maintaining customer satisfaction is key to any business. The more satisfied the subscriber to your newsletter is, the more likely you are that he will not automatically delete your messages. Notorious deletion of messages may result in some newsletters being classified as SPAM. What’s more – some users, irritated by mailing, mark it as spammy messages themselves. How can you increase the delivery of your emails?
– Group recipients and make sure that you provide tailored offers.
– Send only offers that realistically
meet the needs of your subscribers.
– Do not spam. Choose
your newsletter shipping time carefully and try not to send it too often.
– Encourage clicking before opening.
– Don’t keep subscribers by force –
let them unsubscribe from the newsletter.
Encourage action before opening! We’ve examined 10 billion messages. Our report shows that emails with topics containing 1 to 3 words get the highest Open Rate, i.e. the rate of message openings. Short titles are more interesting and usually stand out from the rest.
Remember to change the number of words in the message from time to time. Recipients quickly get used to specific forms. Surprise them!
The most popular systems for sending newsletters will show you who opens your emails. Why send a newsletter to people who haven’t opened a single email from you in a year? Make sure that the list of subscribers includes people who are actually interested in what you send them. Divide customers into target groups – segment!
Subscriber segmentation is the basis. First, divide your customer base into specific target groups, and then, based on data analysis (e.g. user activity), select groups that: regularly read your messages, click on the links you send, can become your potential customers (e.g. based on historical data). On this basis, match the content of emails to the behavior of specific groups of recipients. Also remember to group your recipients by email hosting providers. Only in 2019, more than one billion new accounts registered on Gmail. All because the advertisements there are unobtrusive, effective and very effective, and the system perfectly filters SPAM.
You can group customers based on: purchases made from you, active opening of messages or information they have left by subscribing to the newsletter (gender, age, education).
Subscribers can leave a lot of data about themselves when subscribing to the newsletter. In addition, e-mail marketing systems will provide you with further data that you need to analyze to run effective e-mail marketing. These are among others:
– deliverability,
– openness,
– CTA click rate.
On this basis, you will determine which target groups are dormant leads and which will come back to you for shopping (for such people it is worth preparing something additional, such as discounts for regular customers) or simply like reading messages from you, but do not click links. In addition, demographics alone will provide you with enormous knowledge about your subscribers.
Based on the collected data, personalize titles, content, graphics and CTA. Anticipate what particular groups may like, as well as use data from nationwide reports on the purchasing behavior of individual segments. Thanks to this, you’ll more effectively meet their needs and tastes and preferences.
The modern recipient is tired of the number of messages and information that surround him. Try to limit the content and graphics in your messages – provide subscribers with the most important information that may interest them. However, try not to do it too intensely. Limit the message to one or up to two important pieces of information. Three or more different information can prevent the recipient from remembering the most important thing you wanted to tell him.
Remember to keep the shape of the letter F when arranging information in the message. The modern recipient mostly scans the text, and according to research conducted by dr Philip Benson and David St Clair from the University of Aberdeen, the reader’s eyes follow the track, forming the letter F.
Give something to your most loyal subscribers. These can be unpublished tips, graphics to print or discounts. Give them something that will make them feel special and make your newsletter prestigious. Remember, however, that the more people get such freebies, the less prestigious the newsletter will be. First try to honor some subscribers this way (segmentation will be useful here).
Testing your mailing campaigns is an absolute must if you want to run effective email marketing. Check before sending that all elements of the message are displayed correctly and that there are no errors in the content. Check what messages look like on devices with different screens (laptops, smartphoness, tablets). Create several versions of the same message and send it to different groups, and then save subscribers’ reactions to individual versions of the message. Check the Open Rate indicator and click-through rate of messages and links in the body of the email. Low OR may indicate that the message was qualified as SPAM. It can also mean that the title did not encourage subscribers to open the message. In turn, low click-through in CTA may mean that you need to change CTA because it doesn’t encourage you to act.
Pareto principle.
Use the Pareto principle. According to her, 20% of
workload generates on average 80% of profits. Translating
this into effective email marketing and subscribers, it is easy to calculate
that 20% of regular customers who are subscribed to the newsletter can give you
as much as 80% of profits from email marketing. So let’s
save the addresses of people who regularly click on links and buy from you to
reward them for loyalty (segmentation and prestige).
Effective email marketing is based on 7 main activities, thanks to which you have the chance to create a list of valuable leads.
To increase your mailing profits, you must first of all remember to segment and personalize the message content. In addition, make sure that the recipient can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. Test, analyze and do not be afraid to experiment with the appearance and content of your emails. Maybe one word will actually prove to be the key to success to increase OR and click-through rate on links? Or maybe your recipients prefer standard message titles? You will learn all this by using tests and analyzing the results.
Be creative, but do not overdo it with information overload. Try to contain the maximum information in the minimum content. Try new things, and don’t be afraid to give your subscribers so-called giveaway – in thanks that they are loyal to you (you can find out by checking data from mailing systems). Try to stand out as well as respond to the needs of target groups that you have created within subscribers as much as possible. Well, analyze, analyze and analyze again. Be creative, but do not overdo it with information overload. Try to contain the maximum information in the minimum content. Try new things, and don’t be afraid to give your subscribers so-called giveaway – in thanks that they are loyal to you (you can find out by checking data from mailing systems). Try to stand out as well as respond to the needs of target groups that you have created within subscribers as much as possible. Well, analyze, analyze and analyze again.
Ideas for free gifts for loyal recipients: dedicated, short articles that will not be published anywhere else, earlier access to the new offer, graphic designs for self printing, dedicated offers, dedicated discounts and vouchers, invitation to a special action, invitation to ambassador/testing.
]]>Simply put, SEO PR is a combination of search engine optimization and public relations activities, which is enriched with SERM, i.e. managing reputation in the search engine, by promoting positive materials about a selected brand and responding to negative ones.
SEO and PR combine primarily content, or content. They are needed for both activities. In order to combine SEO with PR, it is necessary to create valuable content for these two areas of marketing. It is not difficult, but requires the development of detailed guidelines and is more time-consuming than creating typical “pretzels”. The development of such content is associated with higher costs, because you need to write a virtuoso of a pen who will understand the issues of building image on the web as well as the principles of search engine optimization.
The issue of SEO PR is considered increasingly popular and important, and all because the creation of a positive image on the web is a key issue for most companies. It is supposed to bring benefits to both SEO and PR activities – the combination of these fields strengthens SEO activities and helps in positioning public relations materials.
The use of public relations in SEO pays off for every brand. Benefits will benefit both a little-known brand that just wants to promote, and a large company wanting to prevent and control image crises. SEO PR is also useful when you want to build an expert position on the market and fight for high-end clients.
SEO PR often reaches for companies in a crisis situation, when, for example, a lot of negative information about the company appears on the web. In such a situation, campaigns are often one of the solutions often used, during which a number of positive image messages are published. The effect is to reduce the visibility of adverse content. However, SEO PR should be implemented in a marketing strategy in times of prosperity. It will be an effective tool that will help promote the company and its products, and at the same time build consumer confidence and e.g. an expert image. Thoughtful actions will also allow you to obtain valuable links in a natural and quite safe way, and often (importantly) free. For valuable content, the portal may agree that the press release be included for free with the link.
In summary, using public
relations in SEO activities,
– A positive image of companies is
– Increases search engine
– Increases organic traffic on the
– Increases sales,
– Builds a group of new recipients.
SEO RP activities should be conducted in accordance with current Google recommendations and naturally fit in with strategies to build the company’s image. If you want to conduct them, remember to avoid “artificial” actions at all costs – search engine algorithms are more and more sensitive to them and capture them better. Therefore, it becomes necessary to prepare an analysis for UX and plan the creation and distribution of content. In order not to get lost in these activities, it is recommended to create an SEO PR strategy that will determine, among others target group, task calendar, topics covered by SEO PR, issues related to SEO optimization (e.g. list of dedicated keywords, content structure, structural data encouraging clicking on the message), content distribution and promotion tools.
It should be remembered that even the best prepared and implemented SEO strategy will not bring results if you do not constantly monitor and control changes. For SEO PR, good timing and upcoming trends are important. The need for quick response means, with SEO PR, it is worth combining with real time marketing. Orientation in the current situation will allow to use them in favor of the promoted brand or product. You can even use Google Trends to analyze trends.
If you want to use PR in SEO activities, you should not forget to build correct relations with the media. In an era when the Internet is saturated with content, you cannot delude yourself that you will send a low-level text to the portal with a link, and it will place and promote it. To get the press information to a widely read medium, PR should be conducted at a high level and create attractive, unique, timely, correctly substantive content, interesting from the point of view of the reader (and not the company) that you want to reach. At the same time, you cannot expect the publisher to always publish information for free with a dofollow link attached. To avoid disappointment, publication conditions should be set in advance, with links only when the article enforces it. An active link in a PR message should be an integral part of the content, e.g. redirect to content sources, examples, solutions to a given problem, etc.
It is also difficult to talk about the effectiveness of SEO PR if you do not use the tools available on the market. They will help in obtaining data, monitoring effects and changes, building image in search engine. SEO PR tools that are worth paying attention to are:
– Keyword analysis applications – they will help you choose the right
phrases that will be used in published PR materials; both the free Google
keyword planner and free applications can be used to search for keywords;
– Network monitoring tools – their task is to
inform about mentions that appear about the brand; this allows for a quick
response to them, and also indicates where to place bulilding links; SEO tools
can be used to monitor the network.
– Applications that monitor search results;
– Content and content publishing platforms, as
well as Google
Ads and Facebook As
promotion tools that will increase the visibility of produced content;
– Internet forums – can be used not only for
“whispers”, but also for substantive statements of the brand, in
which he will give extensive statements on the topic in which he wants to
specialize; in these statements, you can add a dofollow
or nofollow link naturally (if possible);
– Brand ambassadors – cooperation with influencers
is an increasingly popular solution; it turns out that the correct definition
of its rules can have a positive image effect, as well as increase visibility
in search results;
– Applications for running a virtual press office
– they will enable easier management of databases of cooperating journalists
and faster sending them of press releases; many platforms for running e-press
offices also allow the journalists with whom they cooperate to retrieve
The brand’s reputation in the 21st century is the most expensive currency. Positive opinions and the image of an expert can be won even with a larger competitor that offers cheaper products / services. SEO PR will ensure both the visibility of the page in the search engine and put the brand in a good light. Importantly, thanks to activities carried out effectively, brand visibility on the web will grow rapidly, and Internet users will easily find published content even by asking Google general questions related only to the long tail of search. Entrepreneurs who wondered whether investing in SEO PR should dispel their doubts.
A. When entering the company, ask for all company publications available on the Internet. Review them for possible link placement (no matter if Dofollow or Nofollow) – and under the name (brand) put a link to the main page. At the same time, if possible, rebuild a sentence so that you can add one more link, e.g. to a category, product or service.
B. If the
customer does not have a list of articles, use footprints to search for
articles in the search engine, for example:
– “company xxxx”
– “about company xxxx”
– “at xxxx”
– “by xxxx”
– “by xxxx”
If you already have a list, contact
the editors of these articles and try to put a link there.
C. Make sure that all new PR publications contain a minimum of 1 brand link (sporadically brand + keyword) to the homepage.
D. If possible, put several products with links to them in the article, the full name of the product may be an anchor (don’t forget about nofollow, because it may be necessary).
E. Use all possible Social Media channels to promote your brand – positioning them results in queries about the company name, brand, domain name – search results are the company’s URL and profiles. SERM is also part of PR.
F. Remember
what keywords you are fighting for above all:
– name + reviews
– name + portfolio
– name + rating
Unfortunately, in the case of
phrases such as “name + scammers / bankruptcy” will be a huge
G. Browse the positioned website – implement all possible extended parts to obtain “knowledge graph” – that is the box describing the company: local business, website, organization.
H. Use PBN platforms to get interesting spots for publishing articles (sometimes it’s cheaper). An interesting option is the publication of the article on portals that are in Google News – there is then a chance for a carousel with such articles to appear on brand queries.
]]>The rendering process can be reduced to a situation where the Google bot performs several key steps for the final perception of the website. The first is to download the page, the next – to run the code. Then – on its basis – makes its own analysis of the page layout and the entire structure of the site. The set of information downloaded for a specific assessment is collected by this – usually not perceptible moment – which accompanies rendering of the page. As a result, qualitative content, effective link building or meticulously guarded Google Search Console become secondary factors if website rendering generates errors, delays, departures from the norms adopted by magicians from Alphabet Inc.
It can be assumed – from a technical point of view – that every website is two HTML faces: before rendering and after rendering the resources. The first is a set of basic information generated – from content through images to JS and CSS codes. The second face is the same basic code, but enriched with the changes that HTML has caused. And in this narrow space between the two modes lies one of the paths to SEO effectiveness. How the initially assumed commands are implemented in the user’s browser is one of the foundations of proper operation.
How does it look in practice? Launching a website in a browser causes the server to send specific data to a computer or other device. Data collected in HTML format – as well as, for example, XML – are analyzed by the system in terms of obtaining the planned graphic effect. What is presented on the user’s screen is the rendering effect – regardless of its type. And the types of technology provide a lot: from continuous to progressive.
The reason is simple, prosaic and ruthless: a site that cannot be rendered is not indexed by Google. Does not exist. It’s somewhere in cyberspace, but without much significance and no chance to show itself to the world. Indexation is rendering, rendering is indexation – in this case Google leaves no wicket and mitigating circumstances.
That is why it is so important to check both the home page and other internal websites for, e.g., whether the website contains resources that are blocked or otherwise not made available for Google bots. These are both CSS and JS files or images.
Google has its own rules, bots are walking their own paths, and all this is hidden in a thicket of code to which ordinary mortals outside Silicon Valley have at most limited access. How can you then verify that the website meets the requirements of a search engine ruthless in this context?
The basic option for a long time was a test for mobiles devices. Contrary to what it seems, it does not have to be used only for smartphoness or tablets. Checking how the Google bot downloads and renders a mobiles page also gives an answer to its rendering quality. In a situation where the website is responsive, problems – and a bad result – mobiles rendering also means incorrect adaptation to computers.
In mid-2019, Google announced that the bot would regularly update the rendering engine – Chrome 41 and its function of detecting functions, filling and log errors became the determinant. Blocked resources cannot be seen – after all, the browser will render them anyway – but this path can still be considered as particularly valuable.
It does not require much commitment: just download and install Chrome 41. Before, it is worth uninstalling the other – newer – versions temporarily and backing up bookmarks and files. Having Chrome 41 already, it is enough to enter any URL, and then – in a typical way – examine the page after pressing the right mouse button. This way, developer tools will be open. In the console tab you can see the errors found – just copy the data to programmers to start the process of repairing the shortcomings.
Complicated? The alternative – how trivial! – there is a rendering plugin. View Rendered Source is an excellent solution that captivates with its simplicity of operation.
Plugin link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/view-rendered-source/ejgngohbdedoabanmclafpkoogegdpob
As an extension added to Chrome, it shows how the browser has built – and therefore rendered – the original HTML for the DOM, including all Javascript modifications. So if a programmer uses the JS framework – Angular, React JS, Vue.js – it lets you understand how search engines see the page. It cannot be presented clearly: the differences between the “raw” and the rendered version are marked with an illuminated line.
– for mobiles First Index
– due to blocked resources that may make ranking difficult
– verification of the size of photos that may obscure the text
– a simple test whether the firewall is working properly
– crawl budget analysis
– Google Search Console doesn’t show everything (unfortunately)
The general definition defines plagiarism as “The process of copying data from the Internet or using someone’s idea and appropriating it as one’s own.“
This is a highly inadvisable act, which is treated as a fraud, immoral in nature, containing elements of theft and lies. Applying these practices has led to a multitude of anti-plagiarism programs. The main purpose of using this type of practice is scanning text for copied content. The duplicate web content detector not only checks if the text contains stolen fragments, but also reveals the sources they come from.
If you are a student, writer or author of articles for a magazine, you certainly want your work to be unique and one of a kind. Some of the anti-plagiarism systems simply check your text once and give the overall result for the whole. There are also free online plagiarism detection programs that check every sentence of your work in a very intelligent way, focusing on every word. For photos, use the image feedback search tool to check that the image or photo has not been copied from somewhere, and add appropriate sources to prevent image-related plagiarism.
Some bloggers believe that a site with unique content mixed with copied content will gain high positioning. Nothing could be more wrong. New algorithms used by Google approach each site individually. In practice, the page containing the copied content will not pass positive verification for plagiarism, which means that it will not be able to advance among search results. Creating unique content for your website or blog is not easy for you?
We encourage you to use our text paraphrase tool, and in the blink of an eye you will generate the right material.
To a large extent, this type of anti-plagiarism programs consists of a window into which fragments of text or entire paragraphs are pasted to check for plagiarism. Parts of the content that have been copied are underlined in red and their frequency is expressed as a percentage. Such software is most often used by students who, in order to preserve the originality of their content, remove repeated parts of the text. Teachers checking works do the same. SEO managers, expecting 100% uniqueness from their employees, commonly use this kind of tools. Publishing copied content is a serious offense, and thus, most websites check their content before posting it on their own sites.
This is usually a few steps:
A. If the sentence that is currently being checked is already somewhere on the Internet, a red warning will appear and the content will be marked as plagiarism.
B. However, if your content is unique, a green notification will be displayed. After a full scan, an overall result will appear, displaying the extent to which the article is original.
C. Thickness of Key Phrases: Counts the number of keywords contained in your content and gives the result for One, Two and Three words.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the ways by which you can promote your online business. The essence of SEO is such activities that Google will consider a site valuable, which will show it higher in search results. Website optimization consists in conducting activities on the site (on-site) and off-site. In addition, content on a website is extremely important in SEO. The better the texts appear on the site (both in terms of language and content), the better Google will evalsuate the entire site.
In this article, we present the advantages of SEO, which – we hope – will dispel your doubts about starting positioning activities. Below are seven SEO benefits that will affect the development of your business.
A. Visibility on Google
98.38% of users use Google
search engine (data from September 2019 according to Paraphrase-Online.com). Of this huge number, a really negligible percentage goes to the other
side of the search engine – that’s why you should make sure that your keywords
get the highest possible page rank. Because it is using
the Google search engine that customers look for information about products and
The higher you go to Google, the greater the chance that a potential customer will visit your site. The benefits of SEO in the form of visibility will translate into more website traffic.
B. SEO is an opportunity for
small businesses
Promoting a site on which no
previous positioning activities were conducted can take from six months to even
several years. For some this may seem like a long period
of time, however, the effects that the website will get – if only the actions
are performed correctly – can last for years.
Search engine optimization is a long-term process – stopping website optimization may result in a decrease in visibility, because Google focuses on promoting websites that are constantly expanding. In addition, remember that if you give up positioning activities, you give competitors who know the advantages of SEO, the opportunity to chase you away in search results. Regular investment in SEO brings enormous benefits, especially to growing businesses that are unable to spend on promoting such large budgets as large corporations.
With a constant budget, you build visibility of your online business for years. SEO benefits are also such that after a while you don’t have to (but you can, the effects will be even better) increase your budget significantly.
C. SEO is profit for the
Investing in positioning
with a reasonable budget and maintaining business continuity will ensure a
return on investment. That is why it is worth starting a
cooperation with a marketing agency, which will not only conduct a detailed
audit of your website, but also plan activities for the next months, so as not
to burn your budget.
A good SEO agency will not only prepare a plan for you, but will also constantly monitor the growth of individual keywords and will ensure the visibility of your website. However, don’t be put off by the lack of results after 3 months – it’s not like you don’t have any benefit from SEO. As we mentioned in point B. for SEO to be profitable, the site should be positioned for at least half a year.
The benefits and advantages of SEO are enormous when it comes to your company’s earnings. Positioning is an investment that after some time (depending on many factors, e.g. industry or your budget) will bring you significant profit while maintaining a low budget.
D. SEO is cheaper in the
long run
The advantages of SEO are also a
constant budget and growing effects. A well prepared SEO
strategy can be cheaper than other forms of online advertising. The first half of the year is mainly an investment that, compared to
other PPC ads, may seem unprofitable at first glance. However,
if you survive the first phase, in which you mainly invest, then you will later
appreciate these seemingly unprofitable positioning activities.
For paid advertising methods, you must pay to see results and traffic on the site. In the case of SEO after the first phase, traffic is still growing (organic searches) despite the same budget. Positioning conversions for long-term activities are simply more effective.
After some time, organic traffic continues to grow while maintaining the same budget. The costs of positioning activities do not increase drastically, as in the case of other forms of online advertising. These SEO advantages will also allow you to set a firm budget for the months and years ahead.
E. Local SEO will attract
customers from the area
SEO also brings benefits to the
local market. Google has long been giving users results
that are based on their geolocations (e.g. GPS locations).
How does it look in practice? You enter “cheap hairdresser” or “good patisserie” on Google, ignoring the city, and Google based on your locations will show you the results of the nearest premises in the current area. Most of the answers to queries that the user directs to the search engine are personalized. The advantages of SEO are different, but for smaller businesses this is one of the most important, if not the most important: local positioning is also cheaper than global positioning, and for some industries it is also much more effective. A good SEO agency will tell you which type of positioning will be most profitable for your business and what exactly benefits SEO will give you.
Local positioning is often cheaper and more profitable for small businesses that address their offer to the local market.
F. SEO will show you as an
What are the benefits of SEO besides increasing
sales? Positioning increases the visibility of the
website on the internet, which translates into greater customer confidence in
the brand. SEO activities also include content
marketing, i.e. creating valuable content from the user’s point of view.
The more answers your questions find on your site, the faster Google will notice and position you higher. And the higher the page is on Google, the more likely they are likely to be trusted by its customers. SEO will help you achieve the image of an expert on the web, and will also show users that your employees are very knowledgeable and not afraid to share it. The more substantive content you provide to users, the more likely they will buy a product from you or pay for the service, believing that you know what you are doing. The advantages of SEO are not only influenced by increasing sales – it also increases brand awareness in the eyes of your potential customers.
The higher your business is on Google, the more likely Internet users will trust you. And people prefer to buy from experts and trusted sellers, than unknown companies.
G. SEO is advertising
reaching a specific group of recipients
SEO will allow you to reach people
actually interested in your offer. In the case of e.g.
billboards or outdoor advertising, the message reaches both people who would be
interested in leaving you money and people who will never use your services.
Positioning allows you to create a model persona and match both
queries and answers to the user who is your potential customer.
With well-conducted SEO activities, you don’t have to worry that part of the budget reaches people who are not interested in your offer.
Website positioning can give you above all real profit from business – sales and customers. By climbing the next positions in the search results, you have a great opportunity to reach more people who want to buy your product or use your services. The higher you go on Google, the better chance you have of increasing inquiries. And that’s what you mean, right?
SEO is a long-term process worth investing in. However, it is difficult to run your own business – hiring employees, taking care of orders or accounting as well as the quality of the goods or services provided is time-consuming enough. Therefore, you should not make decisions about independent positioning hastily. In SEO agencies, positioning is done by teams consisting of several people. These are, among others, positioners, client supervisors or copywriters. Each person is responsible for a different aspect of positioning, thanks to which they can 100% focus on performing specific actions for your company. Thanks to cooperation with an SEO agency you have the chance to significantly increase your revenue.
We encourage you to combine different e-marketing strategies. The combination of SEO and PPC ads, i.e. Google Ads, is particularly effective under the influence of conversions. Google Ads drives sales in the first phase, when positioning will work on itself, and then will support (with a lower budget) organic traffic, obtained through SEO.
]]>For an advertising campaign to work, the ads must meet Google’s requirements. Below are some of the most common errors that can be an obstacle to the display of Google Ads text ads. At the same time, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that in some cases new ads may be accepted “from the machine” and displayed until Google notes that they are inconsistent with the company’s policy. That is why from the very beginning it is worth ensuring compliance with advertising rules.
Items that may cause your ad to be rejected or disapproved:
– no editorial requirements met – Google cares about the high quality of advertisements and the message presented to Internet users. For this reason, it may block texts that are not transparent or professional, i.e. texts that:
– they present too short and general ads containing unclear information or abbreviations that are difficult to understand,
– exceed the permissible number of characters,
– they contain too many special characters, punctuation and symbols, e.g. exclamation marks, question marks, etc.,
– contain illegal punctuation in the header, e.g. exclamation marks,
– are a combination of different
characters, e.g. 4DID4S,
– use only uppercase letters, e.g. HIGH-QUALITY
– they were written contrary to the
rules of spelling or grammar
– they contain a too general or
mismatched call to action, eg “Click here”,
– they contain emoticons in
addition to standard text,
– they have too many or too few
spaces between characters / words,
– they have a phones number in the content
of the ad,
– no min. 2 headers – Google currently allows (in standard, so-called extended text ads) to use up to 3 headers and 2 lines of text. There is no obligation to use the third heading and the second line of text, but for the advertisement to be accepted it must have at least 2 headers,
– illegal content in advertising text – this is content related to products that cannot be advertised as part of Google Ads, e.g. alcohol, medicines, gambling. Please also note that Google may preventively disapprove content that “associates” with prohibited products,
– illegal content on the landing page – as above, this is content about products that are prohibited from advertising. An example would be the situation of one of our customers who had T-shirts in their offer printed with glasses of champagne. Information about the overprint, which was included in the product description on the page, resulted in the rejection of ads,
– promoting counterfeit products – since Google absolutely prohibits the advertising and sale of counterfeits, all products that only imitate the features of a particular brand will not be accepted or will be rejected,
– shocking, offensive, erotic, promoting hatred, intolerance, discrimination or violence – Google pays special attention to mutual respect and tries not to offend the feelings of Internet users. For this reason, it is not possible to advertise, e.g. firearms, products targeted at a selected ethnic group or use vulgar language in the content of advertisements,
– content impossible to verify – slogans such as: “Manufacturer of the best coffee grinders”, “Running shoes No. 1 in the world”, “Most frequently bought dietary supplements”, “The best diet catering – no competition has any chance with us”,
– problems arising from the landing page – Google very much wants internet users clicking on ads to be satisfied with what they will see after switching to the website. The landing page must therefore first of all work and be useful for Internet users. The following page issues may cause your ads to be disapproved:
– targeting ads to a dead landing page,
– no connection between the displayed URL and the actual website address, e.g. “google.com” redirects the internet user to “gmail.com”,
– it is not possible to display the page in standard browsers,
– no possibility to click the “Back” button in the browser.
The great advantage of the Google Ads system is the fact that after rejecting the ad, there is no need to combine and guess what could be the reason for this. Yes, as you can see in the above screenshots, if the advertisement cannot be accepted at the stage of its creation, the system always gives the reason for the inability to save the advertisement. However, if the system rejects an ad that has been running for some time, its status (in the Google Ads panel) is changed to “Disapproved”, and when you hover over the ad approval status, you’ll be given an explanation of the problem.
In addition, on Google support pages you can find a lot of valuable information and tips on editorial and technical requirements related to advertising, which should be taken into account at the very beginning of the campaign.
]]>The Google Shopping platform, and more specifically the Product Listing Ads (PLA) service, i.e. product ads that began to appear on the right of the search results. The photo, store name and price were displayed, and after clicking the selected ad the user was redirected to the product page. This service could be compared to a price comparison site, which was now available in Google search. Currently, the user has access to the entire Google Shopping tab, and there are definitely more products in the ads. You can filter or sort them by price.
A condition of implementing product advertising is conducting a shopping campaign in Google Ads. The promotion is targeted based on the attributes from the data file in the Merchant Center, and the photos are added to the advertisement from the prepared database. Product advertising is paid on a CPC (Cost Per Click) basis, i.e. when the user clicks on it.
This type of advertising is designed for online stores from almost every industry. Thanks to it, it is possible to promote not only physical but also intangible products, such as software. It is worth remembering that, as in the case of other Google Ads campaigns, advertising of alcohol or medicines is prohibited here. A full list of prohibited content can be found on the Google support website.
A properly configured shopping campaign is currently one of the most effective methods of generating sales for online stores. Thanks to the graphic form, it stands out from the background of text ads and, as a result, is attractive to Internet users. Viewing a photo and product prices from the search engine level significantly saves time searching the range in stores – the advertisement is always up-to-date, so it displays only available products.
The Google Shopping campaign allows reaching users who are already at the final stage of the purchasing process, because by entering a specific product name in the search engine they count on finding places where they will be able to buy it. The advertisement directs them directly to the product card, which contains the details of the offer and from which they can complete the purchase.
Integration with Google Merchant Center allows you to launch dynamic remarketing, which by displaying product data on banners reminds users of products that have recently been viewed in the advertiser’s store.
The Google Shopping campaign convinces online store owners for many reasons. It seems particularly attractive mainly because it allows you to present the product in the photo from the search engine. The statistics of our campaigns also show that the results achieved by these campaigns, as well as the confidence of online stores in this advertisement, are increasing.
However, before you decide to launch your Google Shopping campaign, there are a few important things to consider.
The first important issue is price competition. If you are not the only distributor of the product, check whether the price you offer is attractive compared to other online stores, and if it is higher, you can explain it somehow. However, the price is displayed right next to the product in the Google Shopping advertisement and gives you the opportunity to compare, without having to look at the pages of individual stores. If the customer enters the specific product name they are looking for in the search engine, naturally, the offer with the lower price will arouse the most interest.
The second important thing is the inability to match your audience to your ad using keywords. In the case of a shopping campaign, Google decides when and for which Internet queries the ad will be displayed. Before launching the campaign, it is necessary to send a file with information about products – their names, prices, individual parameters, etc. Based on this information, Google selects from among our products and products of other stores belonging to the same category the one that will be advertised. Therefore, the Advertiser has no influence on which queries of Internet users his product will be displayed (only after it is displayed in response to a query entered in the search engine is able to see it), as well as in the environment of which products it will be displayed.
And the last important issue is the problem of displaying products from different shelves side by side. If the customer enters the search query: leather men’s shoes, the results may include both designer shoes from the designer and those from a regular chain store. The visible at first glance difference will of course be the price, which in product ads has the most significant impact on customers’ purchasing decisions. Therefore, if you offer unique products, you must be aware that in the case of Google Shopping campaigns, their value may not be noticed and they will be compared with mass products.
Considering the above, you certainly understand how IMPORTANT ISSUE is the optimization and proper management of the product file from which Google derives information about products. You should not be afraid of all this – a properly built product file, combined with a budget sensible for a given campaign, will succeed.
A properly created and constantly optimized product advertisement will bring satisfying results to both small stores and large stores with an extensive range. Finally, the Paraphrase-Online.com team would like to mention a slightly different but related issue. If you use product advertising, your products are displayed via CSS – i.e. price comparison websites. Not so long ago, the only comparison website that had access to the Google advertising environment was the Google comparison site.